Healing. This is a topic I have explored deeply over the years, especially in more recent times.
From meditation to massage, acupuncture to qi gong, yoga, reiki, body harmony and of course writing, to name but a few.
Healing and its many forms – something many of our contributors to the Snowy River Echo write about each month.
I am passionate about ‘writing as therapy’.
Over the last ten years it has supported me through some very complex situations – helped me to explore and come to a better understand of my present and past. It has helped me heal…
Just prior to winter I was fortunate to facilitate two writing workshops for a carers gathering that took place in the Snowy Mountains.
I say fortunate because whenever I have the opportunity to work with carers I learn so much about life, stress, struggle, determination, the human condition and spirit.
We focused on the topic ‘Writing Helps – Alternative Therapy…’
The benefits of ‘writing as therapy’ are well documented and varied. It was a wonderful opportunity to introduce this concept to both beginners and seasoned writers alike.
The freedoms many of us take for granted are not always so simple for those in a caring role.
Writing to express thoughts, emotions, make observations of the self and world around us can be such a positive, creative, expressive tool. A non-judgemental friend available to support us anytime.
There are so many carers with a story to tell…
I hope to produce a publication of carers stories one day.
Stories that will help us as a society come to a better understanding of the caring role and its complexities.
Stories that will allow carers to have their voices heard…
I have now been engaged to develop and facilitate a series of workshops in Canberra exploring the ‘writing as therapy’ theme.
I am excited to pass on this knowledge and create a template where I can weave other aspects of healing into the workshops – where I can encourage and empower people to help themselves.
Below is an acrostic poem I wrote as a tribute to those carers who shared their time, stories and experienced a well-earned break in our beautiful Snowy Mountains.
Wishing you all a warm-hearted day, week, month, year, life…Lee xx
We are
Assisting Family and Friends
Ready to help 24/7
Exhausting at times
Saving the government a fortune
Caring for the Carer
A vital thing to do
Remembering you
Embrace the journey
Relax – rejuvenate
Snowy Mountains 2015
Lee Taylor-Friend