Tommy’s Girl




This is a very special poem to me. The sentiments still hold true. In 2009 ‘High Country Dreams’ was chosen as one of five Australian finalists for the Australian Bush Laureate Awards ‘Bush Poem of the year’. A great honour for a first time author…    


As the noble boughs are swaying on the gum trees by the door

and the winter winds are echoed ‘cross the hills.

I sit and write, reflecting on the journey that has been.

With the warmth of new found friendships my heart fills…

‘Twas a calling to the Mountains, to a different way of life

and a chance to start our city life anew.

Down by the Snowy River with the distant snow-capped ranges

the sweet splendour of the ‘High Country’ just grew…

But the beauty of the mountains doesn’t just lie in the landscape

or the ethereal visions of a distant view.

It’s a true and lasting beauty that the eye can not behold

and a gift that just can not be bought, it’s true…

It’s the beauty of the people; it’s the passion in their souls.

It’s the staunch and stoic humble mountain way.

It’s the battling through the hard times, the rejoicing in the good

and the helping of a mate who’s gone astray…

It’s supporting your community; pitch in when times are tough,

or volunteer to help a local cause.

It’s the group participation, raising funds for someone needy

and the comfort of the ‘always open doors’…

It’s ‘My Mate Jack’ who’s eighty-nine and shares his precious yarns

as he says “Come, sit, I’ll tell you some more lies!”

His face lights up, his chest swells, as he talks about the past

and his memories of the war bring misty eyes…

It’s my dear friend Jackie Jackson – she’s a real life inspiration.

She is always there to lend a helping hand.

She’s got five kids of her own, but you never hear her groan,

and her smile and laughter leave a lasting brand…

It’s the ‘characters’, the ‘larrikins’, the wry bush sense of humour,

that always seems to strike a special chord.

History, heritage and pride, the legend never died.

It’s why the Banjos ‘Man’ is so adored…

Now we’re raising our two children on our farm here in the country,

such a contrast from the streets where I grew up.

The city life of Redfern seems a million miles away

where I played and strayed when I was just a pup…

But for those who said ‘Sheer Madness!’ when we said ‘We’re going bush’

you can see it’s not as crazy as it seems.

Our lives have been transformed, inspired, enriched beyond belief

as we now live out our true ‘High Country Dreams’…


