When we escaped from the rat-race of Sydney to move to the beautiful Snowy Mountains back in 2000 our lives were transformed in so many ways. A new home, new business, new friends and eventually, new babies! It took me on a journey I could never have imagined and led me down a new life path indeed…
That path for me was poetry and story telling. I guess it is fair to say I was mesmerized by the tales of hardship and high country heroics that were second nature to these remarkable and resilient men and women. It was a million miles away from my upbringing in Redfern, yet just the images I had firmly fixed in my memory from the Banjo Paterson poetry my Father would read to me as a small child. I guess my love of poetry began there, I just never knew I could write it until much later in life.
My first little poem ‘That Dam(n) Wall’ was written whilst stuck in the car at the Jindabyne dam wall with master one and master three inspiring me from the back seat! It was published in the Snowy River Echo and encouraged me to keep on writing. I entered my second poem ‘To Feel The Pinch’ in the inaugural Snowy River Festival and was thrilled to win second place! This started my long association with the Snowy River Festival and introduction to many of the men and women I have gone on to write about.
After much encouragement I released my first book of poetry ‘Tommy’s Girl…’ in 2007. It shares the stories of many of our amazing men and women of the Snowy Mountains as well as my reflections of life on the land.
I write about a wide variety of topics, including motherhood (that’s another book!) and since the beginning of 2007 have been writing monthly columns for a variety of local publications.
It has been an incredible journey and a wild ride at times with many ups, downs, hills, troughs and rivers to navigate – this is evident in my second book of poetry ‘Moving On…Healing through Verse…’ released in 2015.
Throughout this journey writing and our beautiful Snowy Mountains have been constant, non-judgemental companions supporting me on my path.
2016 was a year of great change, consolidation and growth.
I commenced a project that saw me write a poem a day for and entire year!!
This culminated in the release of ‘Daily Awakenings…A poem a day…Mindfulness through Verse’ which was launched at the Pauline Coxon Art Gallery in December 2016 – book one of a two book series.
‘Daily Awakenings…A poem a day…Connection through Verse’ Book Two was launched on 26th May, 2017, by Monaro MP and Deputy Premier of NSW, Mr John Barilaro – see collage of photos from the launch below.
Bush Mother…’, my fifth book of poetry, was officially launched by Mayor Peter Beer on Saturday 7th December, 2019, at the Snowy-Monaro Regional Library.
‘Bush Mother…’ is a celebration of motherhood and family exploring the amazing highs, lows, complexities and humorous happenings that the motherhood journey can bring…
My books are all available through Amazon as both print on demand and e-books/kindle.
Please copy the link below to go to my Amazon Author Page:
Signed copies of my books are also available to purchase at these selected stores in the Snowy Mountains:
Romance Me…Jindabyne
Earthsong Wellness…Cooma
Berridale Post Office & Gifts…Berridale
Fox Tale Books…Cooma
Dorothy Dickens Books & Music…Cooma
Snowy Mountains Remedial Massage…Avonside
‘Daily Awakenings…A poem a day…’ Book Launch 26/5/17
Daily Awakenings…A poem a day…‘Connection through Verse’
Daily Awakenings…A poem a day…‘Mindfulness through Verse’
Snowy Mountains poet Lee Taylor-Friend rose to national attention in 2006 when she penned the heartfelf “Don’t Sell Our Snowy Hydro”. This is her first book of poetry, based on the true stories of the remarkable and resilient ‘High Country’ men and women.
Lee’s books are available at selected stores in the Snowy Mountains and Amazon Books. https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B01N9C8I0J
After much soul searching this book has come to fruition. It is raw – personal – honest. For some it may be confronting. For me it is a culmination of ten years work on many levels. I believe that by speaking our truth we allow others to do the same. Life is not always ‘a bed of roses’, as is evident in this book of poetry, but we can ‘move on’ if we don’t bury the past and close the door on healing. |