We don’t have enough of it, we have too much on our hands, it’s on our side, it defeats us, it flies when you are having fun and it waits for no one…


So much has been written about time.


It is a precious commodity I have had too little of lately so I decided to do something about it.


I MADE time…


Time I thought I did not have with a bucket load full of work/study/life commitments at present and making that time is the best thing I could have done for my physical and emotional wellbeing.


Four precious days by the ocean with my Family – fishing – yes, we caught plenty, snapper, flat head, morwong and a token leatherjacket.


Waking up in the dark of early morning was worth it to get out on the ocean when the fish were biting, but it was more than that…


Watching the sunrise over the ocean, sitting quietly rocking with the gentle and sometimes not so gentle swell, dolphins swimming in the wake of our boat, fresh salt air engulfing the senses, playful seals swimming nearby and of course the excitement of landing a big one.


Most of all it was just to be.


Be with family and create more shared experiences.


The simple stuff – walking to the beach, body surfing, swimming, talking, laughing and relaxing.


I am so glad I made the time. Time I thought I did not have. A time now etched in my memory. A time I will never forget…